Marina Horkić2019-09-13T07:33:38+02:00


Marina Horkić

Translated the novel “Exit West“ from English


Marina Horkić

Translated the novel “Exit West“ from English

Marina Horkić (1953, Zagreb) graduated with a degree in English and Italian language and literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. She has been translating from English in her spare time for over thirty years and has translated more than fifty works by prominent authors into Croatian (Aldous Huxley, Ernest Hemingway, Doris Lessing, Kingsley Amis, Peter Ackroyd, John Le Carré, Carlos Castaneda, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Jeffrey Eugenides, Jonathan Franzen, Zadie Smith and many others).

Exit West

Saeed, a sensitive and somewhat restrained young man, and Nadia, self-aware, independent and free-spirited young woman, meet one night at “the class on corporative identity and product branding” in a town which has been “teetering on the edge of abyss”, at the edge of war.

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